The cheapskate's guide to G3 iMacs -- addendum: clamshell iBooks!

» Clamshells need love too!

Even cooler than G3 iMacs, "clamshell" iBooks were (and still are) a unique type of laptop. As one eBay seller put it, there was nothing like it before it and there has nothing been like it ever since.

In a time where all laptops look like flat shoeboxes, clamshells offer a refreshing twist. However, these machines were made in 1999-2001. Can they still be used for serious purposes today?

The answer is... yes, although probably not in the original configurations. Here's a rundown of requirements and recommendations.


Clamshell iBooks were made in three "waves". More information about that here. The most important features are:

Normally, you'll want the last version, which has the best specs; but it's possible to find blueberry and tangerine clamshells that are up to snuff as well. It all depends on what the seller/refurbisher did with it.

Where to find

As usual, look on eBay for these puppies. Ones with 576 Mb and other decent requirements are relatively hard to find, though... it might take a bit of searching. Of course, if you actually know how to upgrade these machines, you're golden... just buy a cheap one, and the parts you need, and you're good to go.


And finally, this is what my blueberry iBook looks like ($300 on eBay):

(I want a key lime one as well though... :-)