1. It's not the first time you've seemed... geographically disatisfied. What brought you there?
      posted by Ian Bicking at 07:57:04 PM on January 10, 2004  
  2. Depends what "there" means. What brought me to the Netherlands? I was born there. What brought me to the US? My wife. Nuff said. :-)
      posted by Hans at 07:11:58 AM on January 11, 2004  
  3. Well, what brought you to Florida, and rural Florida at that? Still your wife I'm sure...
      posted by Ian Bicking at 09:10:22 AM on January 11, 2004  
  4. Yes... she and her family happened to live in a small town in Florida. Or rather, outside of a small town. It has certain benefits, since I absolutely hate to live in a crowded area (which is where we used to live before, in the Netherlands), with all its problems... peeping neighbors, parking problems, small houses, etc, etc. Living here is the other extreme though, partially because of Florida, partially because of how things (don't) work in this household (which includes 4 other people besides my wife and two daughters).

    I could go into lots of detail, but I would probably need a separate blog for that, and I doubt it would be all that intestering. I'm complaining enough as it is... :-/
      posted by Hans at 01:14:06 PM on January 11, 2004  
  5. Greetings from the Armpit of Florida,

    Some people are just dissatisfied in general....:)
    Have a Nice Day!

      posted by Wife at 07:59:24 AM on January 16, 2004