1. IMHO it should be 7 and C does the right thing, but now I hear from C gurus that it's undefined.
    I wonder what Limbo does...
      posted by an anonymous coward at 02:17:17 PM on September 01, 2004  
  2. On my Mac:

    ddas-computer:~ dda$ more nasty.c
    /* nasty.c */

    int x = 3;
    x += x++; /* na-yasty! */
    printf("x is %d\n", x);

    ddas-computer:~ dda$ ./nasty
    x is 4

      posted by dda at 02:33:16 PM on September 01, 2004  
  3. In C, the expression x += x++ is undefined. You are not allowed to modify a variable more than once in a single expression. Some C compilers will return 7 and some will return 6 and others will return other values. Also, the amount of optimization requested may effect the result.

    I don't know what C# will do with this (or Java for that matter).

    Don't ya just love C :-)
      posted by Jim Weirich at 05:09:24 PM on September 01, 2004  
  4. I'm not sure how you can get 7. The expected answer is 6 and if it were x += ++x, then I'd expect 8.
      posted by an anonymous coward at 07:19:00 PM on September 02, 2004  
  5. No, I would think the expected answer is 7.

    int x = 3;
    x += x++;

    x is 3. x++ is a post-increment, so we evaluate first. x += 3 is 6. Then the ++ kicks in, making it 7.

    Of course, this is all rather confusing, which is probably one of the reasons why it's undefined...
      posted by Hans Nowak at 09:46:19 PM on September 02, 2004  
  6. Consider the following machine instructions. ("load x, y" load the value of y into x; R0-R2 are registers; @a and @b are arbitrary memory locations).

    All three of the following instruction sequences correctly implement y += x++ when x and y are different addresses. However, whenn x and y are the same address (as in x += x++), then you get the following results.

    A: 4
    B: 6
    C: 7

    Here are the sequences ...

    A = code {
    load R0, @b
    inc R0
    load R1, @a
    add R1, @b
    load @a, R1
    load @b, R0

    B = code {
    load R0, @b
    inc R0
    load R1, @a
    add R1, @b
    load @b, R0
    load @a, R1

    C = code {
    load R0, @b
    load R1, R0
    inc R1
    load @b, R1
    load R1, @a
    add R1, R0
    load @a, R1

      posted by Jim Weirich at 01:51:38 AM on September 14, 2004  
  7. I would've expected 7, but for a slightly different reason:
    x = 3;
    x += x++;
    The RHS of the statement is evaluated first, including side effects: so we get the partially evaluated statement (x += 3), but x has been incremented to 4 by the ++ operator. So when the += operation is performed, x becomes 7.
      posted by Andrew at 12:09:45 AM on September 15, 2004  
  8. If you follow the link and read the section on postfix increment and decrement (8.1.7) you will see that for limbo the result is undefined if the same object is changed more than once in the same expression. Which is the same rule that applies to C but not Java.

      posted by AH at 06:46:15 AM on October 08, 2004