1. unbelievable that you complain. it's so easy to make them yourself. ant they taste thousands times better then
      posted by Benko at 02:59:47 AM on October 24, 2004  
  2. Living in the Netherlands for almost a year now (I'm brazilian), my favourite is the bitterballen. I asked for the recipe but everybody told me "you don't want to know!". :-D
      posted by Roberto at 05:02:55 AM on October 24, 2004  
  3. @#1: I have yet to meet the first person who can do this...
    @#2: Yes, I like bitterballen too. ^_^ They're really just kroketten in the shape of a ball. I don't think they contain anything gross, though.
      posted by Hans Nowak at 09:55:24 AM on October 24, 2004  

  4. Interesting... In Germany, a "frikatelle" is more like a hamburger. It's ground beef, onions and some seasonings, formed into a patty and pan-fried.
      posted by John Klassa at 08:23:01 AM on October 25, 2004  
  5. I found that they have frikandellen in Germany too, but they call the thing "Bratrolle", and I think it contains (at least some) actual meat. :-)
      posted by Hans Nowak at 01:54:52 PM on October 25, 2004  
  6. Actually "frikadelle" is a traditional danish course. Allmost the national course.

    1 pound of ground pork
    2 eggs
    2 dl milk (maybe less)
    one big onion finely chopped
    salt, pebber
    A bit of flour, so it isn't too runny

    Take a big spoonfull and put on a frying pan with plenty of hot butter. Fry until it is firm.

      posted by Max M at 02:32:34 PM on October 30, 2004