1. What's open now:

    1 terminal window, split into 2 with screen, and several (2-6) terminals actually running at any time.

    firefox, usually with >5 tabs (I'm a tab junkie - I often stick things into tabs to read later, although del.icio.us has helped out with this)

    gvim, split horizontally, with 2-15 text files (usually either python files or blog entries)


    Question: why do you use 4nt instead of cygwin? What does it do better/worse? Do you use both?

    At work it's something like lotus notes, sql navigator (usually 2 windows), gvim, cygwin, firefox (for documentation), a couple of requirements docs open in word, probably an excel spreadsheet or 2, and sometimes visio.
      posted by Bill Mill at 09:24:06 PM on December 19, 2004  
  2. oh, and visual studio at work. Forgot that one.
      posted by Bill Mill at 09:25:09 PM on December 19, 2004  
  3. 4NT is mostly there because of habit... I've been using 4DOS and 4NT since 1992, so I'm used to it. I have Cygwin installed too, but I still don't find Unix shells as easy to use as 4NT/4DOS.
      posted by Hans Nowak at 11:16:52 PM on December 19, 2004  
  4. On the left computer in front of me (windows-pc), I have 4 desks (virtual dimension rocks!). Current desk has firefox (6 tabs), word and email. Other desk has calendar and a ssh-connection to my home. Third desk has a totalcommander and a video, paused.
    Right computer (using synergy so I can just move my mouse to it), has 8 desks (it's a SGI-O2, running IceWM). Current desk has 4 windows. One big gvim, one xterm where I compile on a remote host, one where I can compile on local host (slow), one where I run my app, and one where I can look things up.
    Other desks are mostly empty, except for a xterm with mutt running (better mailclient).

    I hadn't heard about the NADD yet (or I don't recall), but I think I just found a name for my behaviour. :)
      posted by Chris at 04:43:11 AM on December 20, 2004  
  5. The SSH-connection home is ofcourse running screen, giving me 9 windows: mail, a mud, text-based IM, bittorrent, and a few shells.
      posted by Chris at 04:44:53 AM on December 20, 2004  
  6. One thing that would help is try to cut is e-mail, chat and cellphone. (And don't give away fixed phone number unless that's realy important)

    I try to check mail only couple times a day, chat only when someone requests it. And now and then switch off phone. That realy helps or at least gives feeling of being more productive.

    I replace this with slower, more thought out written communication and faster, much more detailed real conversation with paper or chalkboard.

    Urgent and important are different things :)
      posted by Ģirts Kalniņš at 04:52:59 AM on December 20, 2004  
  7. Ok, utf-8, does not realy work here.

    On another hand I wonder why do you worry about windows open that you don't use. You're bothered by icons? You could group them somewhere and hide away, yes?
      posted by Girts Kalnins at 04:56:38 AM on December 20, 2004  
  8. Lessee...

    Virtual desktop 1: msn messenger, skype, ichat
    Virtual desktop 2: Firefox, 4 tabs open, plus this comment popup :-)
    Virtual desktop 3: REALBasic
    Virtual desktop 4: Nothing (that's the "May I see the Desktop, just for once?" placeholder ;-)
    Virtual desktop 5: BBEdit, a few windows opened
    Virtual desktop 6: Mail.app, one email half-written over the viewer. Email checks every minute...
    Plus a small global window, 2/3 transparent, on the bottom right of all virtual desktops. It's a small clock and command-line kind of app I wrote that enables an old geek like me to launch applications without having to fiddle too much with that mouse thing...

      posted by dda at 06:29:30 AM on December 20, 2004  
  9. Have you tried TortiseCVS, Hans? It could get rid of the WinCVS window.
      posted by Blake Winton at 02:06:48 PM on December 20, 2004  
  10. [TortoiseCVS]
    I currently use WinCVS for multiple repositories, some of which are connected to through ssh. I'm not sure if TortoiseCVS supports it, but I'll look into it.
      posted by Hans Nowak at 06:58:18 PM on December 20, 2004  
  11. Weird. I'm more or less a nerd, but Guns of the South managed to keep my attention the whole way through.

      posted by Adam V. at 09:19:43 PM on December 20, 2004  
  12. I'd like to try Xi, but I can't find if after STFW. Could you please tell me where to download it?
      posted by Bruce W at 10:18:56 PM on December 20, 2004  
  13. """ I'd like to try Xi, but I can't find if after STFW."""

    That's because I haven't released it yet. :-) It's nothing fancy, just a little app to store random notes, scraps and snippets, and search them later.
      posted by Hans Nowak at 12:03:08 AM on December 21, 2004  
  14. Oh, I see. But Why it's called Xi?
    And I find another app with the same functionality which is called "ATnotes"
      posted by Bruce W at 02:37:23 AM on December 22, 2004  
  15. Well, I like to give my programs weird names. :-) Sometimes they have a hidden meaning, sometimes not.

    Note that Xi is not a sticky-note program... it's more of a simple database, written because I had a need for something lightweight and customizable, yet capable of storing a lot of *little* notes. As such, it doesn't use a "real" database (like MySQL etc), and has some restrictions (e.g. it's not suitable for storing large documents). But it works for me.

    When it's more mature, I will consider putting it up for download, in case anyone's interested.
      posted by Hans Nowak at 10:01:59 PM on December 22, 2004