1. Did you intend to type it "duck", not "duct"?

    I found my blog was actually useful the other day, as someone visited while searching for "how to get a cat out of an air duct" ;-)
      posted by Dean at 07:36:43 AM on March 23, 2004  
  2. From that site:

    mawv --> mauve : This word has not moved far enough away from French to assume an English pronunciation, [mawv], and should still be pronounced [mowv].

    Obviously, in French this is pronounced without a "w", something like [mo:v]. So they pronounce this wrong themselves, like almost al English speakers do... ;-)

      posted by JanC at 06:03:30 PM on March 23, 2004  
  3. Abbot: How do you pronounce "Hawai'i"? Ha-why-ee or Ha-vie-ee?

    Costello: Ha-vie-ee.

    Abbot: Thank you.

    Costello: You're Velcome.

      posted by Doug L. at 07:51:57 AM on March 30, 2004