Although I am not Dutch, I work for a Dutch company (and speak passable Dutch, enough to survive), and I have noticed the things you mention.
One of the consequences of the devoicing of final plosives (b>p, d>t, etc), is that even the best English-speaking Dutch people in my company will write things like:
"This memo has been sen*d* to...", while pronouncing "sent"
Also, I noticed that maybe people only had one 'o', the closed one. Snapshot is pronounced [snapo:t] and not [snapt].
Some language habits too are interesting (although they may be company-grown): "gonna" every single effin' time. *Never* "going to"; "What have you" as in "It could be this, or that, or that, or what have you".
Ah, and a very common mispronounciation we heard during meetings: "targets" pronounced "tarjets" (which in turn was pronounced "taryet" by the Spanish staff in Holland...).
Oh, and 'en' instead of 'and'...